How COVID-19 Invades a Host

Transmission on a Microscopic Level

At this point COVID-19 can be transmitted via salivia droplets found when an infected person sneezes and coughs. From there virus particles can remain on surfaces where it can infect new hosts if picked up. It is known to enter the human body through the nose, mouth, and eyes and can be inhaled into the lungs as well.

COVID-19 particles possess the charcteresitc of spike proteins that allow for them to latch onto human cells. These virus particles specifically target human cells that produce a protein known as ACE2. They then infect these cells by fusing into them and releasing bits of their genetic material, or RNA. The virus RNA confuses the human cell and makes it produce a different protein, one that copies the virus and fights off the immune system.

Source: NYTimes - How Coronavirus Hijacks Your Cells

how corona infects cells

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