blurred image of Garrett and Elijah at bottom of lake, showing an unblurred part with them holding hands gif of a news man talking

"There has been a heartbreaking discovery. While the possibility came to our mind, we hoped it wouldn't end this way. Garrett and Elijah have been found deceased at the bottom of the lake, located in the center of the forest. An ancient myth exists where if two beings enter a body of water and submerge themselves while holding hands, it will forever bond them. Not many know of this myth as its been buried in our towns history. This was not an act of harm or suicide but an act of bonding and love."

"The boys were discovered around 7:25pm on October 2nd, we are reporting on the incident soon after the discovery. The boys families have been informed of the tragedy--as this is an important incident, a photo was taken on the scene. It is censored out of respect for the boys and their families but we would like to recognize how they passed holding hands. We would like to believe that they will be together in the afterlife."