
The code for the startGame() fuctions and myGameArea remain largely unchanged from w3schools, aside from my own characters and objects that I added.

The player() and interactable() constructors are mostly from w3schools. I only added a few lines of my own code to these.

For the updateGameArea() function, I initially took the concept and code from w3schools, but I modified and added my own functionality so it is mostly my own code. The update() function concept is from w3schools.
I wrote the dialogue settings myself.

For these movement functions (moveleft(), moveright(), clear()) I took and modified code from w3schools.
I wrote the code for transitionRight() and transitionLeft() myself.

For the interact() function, I wrote everything myself.

The initial concept for this project came from a canvas tutorial on w3schools: https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/game_score.asp
I took this concept, expanded on the functions they used in the tutorial, and added my own functions to make an interactive story game. I received a lot of help from Stackoverflow, though I can't pinpoint the exact lines of code and the concepts that I took from old answers on there.