Hi, this is a multimedia narrative project, the text is through AI tools into a narrative virtual story. When I was preparing for this project, I had lots of ideas in my brainstorming, and my goal was to make the content and the webpage have a visual interaction effect. I later decided to use the outline of two similar childhood memories and different growing-up experiences as the basis for the formation of this project.

Maplewood Tapestry is a web-based narrative weaving the enchanting tales of two childhood friends, Emma and Lily. As their lives unfold in the distinctive realms of chic elegance and vibrant expression, the story explores friendship, individual growth, and the merging of different artistic styles. With a compact web layout, readers will embark on a visual and literary journey, following Emma and Lily's paths from a shared neighborhood to divergent cities and back again. The narrative culminates in a heartwarming reunion, fostering collaboration and celebrating the unique tapestry created when two distinct worlds intertwine. Maplewood Tapestry is an immersive storytelling experience, inviting readers to explore the threads of friendship, creativity, and the artistry of life.

My project production process is trial-and-error and iterative. The process allowed me to learn a lot of technical skills and gain some design experience. Learning process: Setting the story structure, visual representation, and the realizability of web interactive features all became part of my thinking. At first, I was worried about the programming part, and the idea of the story wasn't quite there. I was still stuck on what kind of responsive website model to choose until the content of my story was confirmed. Then I quickly decided what I wanted to focus on in this project, grid. I want to consolidate and expand my knowledge of the grid through the project. Challenge: In the whole learning process, Midjourney should be the one where I spend the most time and worry about. I spent more than 3 days studying it and made 900 pictures, but I still lack confidence in mastering it. However, I am satisfied with the color tone of the 14 pictures I have output so far. Unfortunately, for the character setting, I didn't get the look I wanted.

In addition, it was my first time to touch and learn from ChatGPT-3.5 and Midjourney to help build a web page. Overall, I was surprised by the convenience they provided for my design work, and helped me save some time in my work. GPT has helped me with text editing and solving specific web programming problems. Midjourney helped output the images. But I also realize there are some limitations to what they can do. For instance, Midjourney's generated images must be based on very specific prompts. But art sometimes can't be described in concrete terms, and if there is a concrete description, the image may not be the effect you want at all. So I used Adobe to reprocess the resulting images.

Follow up, I will continue to update the design of this project as a blog.