Grow Where You Are


With the increasing ramifications of global climate issues and our countries current wasteful habits, it is critical for Americans to look at ways to live more of a sustainable lifestyle to make a local, positive impact on our environment. Each of us can reduce our amount of waste by growing some of the foods we eat.

Benefits of Gardening

Learning how to grow your organic food, compost food scraps, and raise urban livestock at home or as part of a community garden can provide a self-sufficient food supply as well as bringing greater biodiversity back to our local environments.

If you have never gardened before it might seem daunting, but with a little bit of research and fresh air, you can successfully grow some of the nutritious fruits and vegetables that you love. Plus, there are many ways to garden sustainably and affordable. You can compost most of your food and paper scraps, which will save you money on your garbage bill, and will produce nutrient-rich soil so that your plants will thrive. Following a planting schedule for the climate zone, you live in will help you have more success at a bountiful crop. Additionally, let some of your plants that produce your favorite varieties go to seed so that you can harvest the seeds for your season’s crops.

Learning how to grow organic foods, and composting at home or as part of a community garden can provide a self-sufficient food supply as well as bringing a greater biodiversity back into our local environments. There are many ways to sustainably and affordably do this.

Now get out there and grow where you are!

Sustainable Urban Gardening

Ways to reduce, reuse & recycle in the garden

  1. Get in the habit of tossing leftover ice cubes into planters and rinse water into the yard.
  2. Re-use milk jugs and liter bottles instead as watering cans.
  3. Water While You’re Away: refill old water bottles and place them upside down in planters for a slow, steady drip.
  4. Upcycle Planters: re-use old paint cans, colanders and even toys for a uniquely green look.
  5. Use old toilet paper rolls to protect new seedlings from hungry worms.
  6. Save and re-use aluminum foil scraps to scare away garden pests.
  7. Start a compost pile with kitchen scraps.
  8. Save the shells from your next seafood dinner or beach walk to crush into your flowerbeds.
  9. Just about anything that clanks can make a cool wind chime. Try painting old silverware or “keys to nowhere” in bright colors and stringing them together.

For more details click here.