Standards of Excellence

Through input from its stakeholders, including faculty, students, and an advisory committee comprised of community leaders from business and non-profit organizations, the CMDC Program has set five "Standards of Excellence."

Students in the program are asked to:

  1. Envision, imagine and invent digital media objects that do not yet exist in the world and, in creating them, understand the importance to reflect upon their potential impact upon the people and cultures for which they are made and by which they will be used
  2. Engage in the rigorous examination of assumptions and values about the self, others, and the world in order to advance knowledge and promote wisdom for bettering the environment and human condition
  3. Communicate ideas and viewpoints clearly, elegantly, and creatively with a variety of technologies and modes of expression
  4. Delight in discovery and experimentation, recognizing that leadership in innovation demands courage and curiosity and requires an understanding of many forms of and approaches to knowledge
  5. Place civic engagement and service to the community at the heart of creation and innovation
Students are able to attain excellence through participating in class activities and extracurricular experiences offered throught the Program. Additionally, the CMDC Program has linked the Standards of Excellence with 10 Program Goals taught throughout its curriculum.

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